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Business Cards

Please provide information in the spaces below.


Please do not submit this form to Clark's Printing until you have received a purchase order from Procurement. Please insert the purchase order number in the purchase order line of the form, then complete the rest of the form and click on the submit button to enter your order.


When possible, business cards should be batch ordered by the Division/Area designee. The order designee is responsible for routing proofs and providing final approval to Procurement.


Proofs will be emailed to you by Clark's Printing.


1 Box = 500 cards. Pricing: $35.41 + tax per box (standard pricing)

1 Box = 500 cards. Pricing: $75.00 + tax per box (rush order pricing) IMPRINT Working.png

Credit Card:*

*If not paying with a PO, a credit card will be required.

Please enter your info here:
Business Card Name / Title & Degree
Center (if needed)
University Divisions (select below)
Program (if needed)
Business Card Address
Business Card Phone, Fax, & Email
Tel (805):*
Cell (805):
Fax (805):
Back of Card (only approved areas)
Final Steps:

Request Received - Thank You! Your proof will be emailed to you.

You can check the status of your order below (please allow up to 2 hours to update)

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